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Public Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing for Casa Ruby, Inc.

The Wanda Alston Foundation, as the receiver for Casa Ruby, Inc., hereby announces that Casa Ruby, Inc. has filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. This notice is to inform all known and unknown creditors of the bankruptcy proceedings.

Key Case Information:

  • Debtor: Casa Ruby, Inc.
  • EIN: 34-1978347
  • Court: United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Columbia
  • Case Number: 24-00293-ELG
  • Date Filed: August 27, 2024
  • Chapter: 7 (Liquidation)

An order for relief has been entered, and a stay is now in place, preventing creditors from initiating or continuing most collection activities against Casa Ruby, Inc. This stay protects the debtor’s assets from being collected or repossessed during the bankruptcy process.

Meeting of Creditors:

A meeting of creditors will be held on October 3, 2024, at 9:30 AM. This meeting will be conducted via Zoom. Creditors may attend but are not required to do so.

  • Zoom Meeting ID: 938 175 5897
  • Passcode: 0524966413
  • Phone Number: 1 202-987-8614

Further details about the meeting and how to attend can be found at www.justice.gov/ust/moc.

Proof of Claim:

At this time, no property appears to be available to pay creditors. Therefore, creditors should not file a proof of claim unless they receive a notice to do so in the future. If assets become available, the Bankruptcy Court will issue another notice with instructions on how and when to file a claim.

Important Contacts:

  • Debtor’s Attorney:
    Nick Harrison
    Harrison-Stein, PC
    601 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    South Building, Suite 900
    Washington, DC 20004
    Phone: 202-297-5057
    Email: [email protected]
  • Bankruptcy Trustee:
    Marc E. Albert
    Stinson LLP
    1775 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 800
    Washington, DC 20006
    Phone: 202-728-3020
    Email: [email protected]
  • Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office:
    E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse
    333 Constitution Ave, NW #1225
    Washington, DC 20001
    Phone: (202) 354-3280
    Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday

Additional Information:

For more details, creditors and interested parties can inspect all filed documents at the Bankruptcy Clerk’s office or online through PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) at https://pacer.uscourts.gov.

Note: Creditors with a foreign address may request an extension of deadlines in this notice by filing a motion with the court. It is advised to consult an attorney familiar with U.S. bankruptcy law if you have any questions about your rights in this case.

This notice is being provided in the interest of transparency and to ensure that all potential creditors of Casa Ruby, Inc. are informed of the bankruptcy proceedings.

Dated: August 27, 2024

Wanda Alston Foundation
Receiver for Casa Ruby, Inc.

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