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Board Members Deny Responsibility

At least five of the eight board members named in the lawsuit filed by the Court-Appointed Receiver for Casa Ruby, Inc. have denied responsibility for the organization’s collapse. The Washington Blade reports that Miguel Rivera, an attorney who is one of the former board members named in the complaint, asserts that the complaint should be dismissed on a wide range of grounds — noting that he “has not engaged in (a) willful misconduct; (b) crimes; (c) transactions that resulted in improper personal benefits of money, property, or service; and (d) acts or omissions that are not in good faith and are beyond the scope of authority of the corporation.”

The lawsuit was filed on December 23. It identifies each of the board members and “respectfully requests restitution, compensatory damages, punitive damages, receivership fees and expenses, court costs, attorneys fees and expenses, and any other relief the court deems necessary and proper.” Details of the board members’ responses are expected to emerge at the DC Superior Court hearing scheduled for March 17.

The complete article from The Washington Blade can be found here:


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