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Third Casa Ruby Receiver Report Filed

On Friday, Harrison-Stein, PC filed the Receiver’s Third Interim Report in the District of Columbia v. Casa Ruby, Inc. In the court filing, the Receiver concludes that the organization did not collapse due to the loss of an $800,000.00 grant from the District of Columbia. Noting that Casa Ruby, Inc. received $5,169,098.03 in 2021, the report states, “The organization failed because of multiple cash withdrawals and overseas transfers that Ms. Corado made to set herself up for a lavish retirement in El Salvador.”

Corado has publicly claimed that the DC Attorney General’s investigation is reprisal for a discrimination complaint. However, the report notes there is little evidence of that — saying that Corado “seemed to receive special treatment from many elected public officials in Washington DC and she enjoyed a level of power and privilege that few others can claim”. The report also says that Corado boasted of her intentions on social media and that there had been reports of waste, fraud, and abuse for many years. It also notes that “If the Board of Directors had performed the barest level of due diligence, the situation at Casa Ruby, Inc. might have been discovered.”

The complete report to DC Superior Court can be found here:


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