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Ruby Corado Allegedly Stole Over $400,000

The DCist reported that bank statements showed Ruby Corado allegedly withdrew over $420,000 in cash from ATMs in the United States and El Salvador and that members of the Board of Directors could provide evidence that the meetings mandated by law to discuss expenses, operations, and salaries of the organization were held.

Summarizing the Receiver’s Second Interim Report, it notes several key questions which were raised:

  • Does the transfer of money by Casa Ruby’s director with the board’s authorization constitute “misappropriation” of the organization’s assets?
  • Did the board members act with passive negligence, or should they be considered consciously complicit?
  • Are these financial irregularities part of a scheme of fraud committed against the local government and the institutions that granted public funds for running Casa Ruby’s programs?

The full article by Carmen Rodriguez can be found here:

Founder Allegedly Stole More Than $400,000 From Casa Ruby (dcist.com)

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